Full Stack Developer

I'm a Microsoft Certified Professional in front end development who loves writing code (and playing golf). I embrace challenging projects and enjoy learning and staying on top of ever-changing technologies.


Technical Skills

I'm also quite familiar with many other languages and frameworks such as AngularJS, NodeJS, Gulp, and Microsoft Azure®




Augusta, GA

March 2021 - Present

Augusta, GA

(March 2021 - Present)

Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer

  • Team Lead for a project built with Angular 11, MongoDB Atlas, AWS Lambda via the Serverless Framework.
  • Design, build, and deploy full stack features in a high speed Agile development team
  • Helped re-architect, redesign, and rebuild the Ninety.io application from the ground up (while at Rural Sourcing)

Rural Sourcing

Rural Sourcing

Augusta, GA

Nov 2018 - March 2021
Rural Sourcing
Rural Sourcing

Augusta, GA

(Nov 2018 - March 2021)

Senior Consultant (Full Stack Developer)

Senior Consultant (Full Stack Developer)

  • Wrote a blog article on The Top 5 Reasons to Build Your Next Application Using Angular
  • Team Lead for a project built with Angular 10, MongoDB, NodeJS, AWS Lambda backend.
  • Part of an Agile development team that provides iterative and continuous deployment of clients' software.
  • Previous project worked on the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, and AngularJS)

Instant Technologies

Portsmouth, NH

Oct 2014 - Nov 2018
Instant Technologies

Portsmouth, NH

(Oct 2014 - Nov 2018)

Front End Developer

Front End Developer

  • Helped design, build, and maintain the front end of multiple enterprise service desk applications using AngularJS and jQuery
  • Built and maintained the company’s many product websites (including implementing Google campaigns and SEO for each)
  • Collaborated with clients from concept through final delivery of product or service
  • Kept abreast of emerging technologies, software and trends, and applied them to projects
  • Converted mockups into HTML, JavaScript, AJAX and JSON


Side Projects

ng-isag (Angular 10) isag-api (NestJS & MongoDB) App built for our annual iSAG golf tournament. Can be seen at theisag.com.
iKan Simple Kanban board web app built for my tech talk on Angular 8. Can be seen at ikan.io.
ng-drag-to-reorder Lightweight AngularJS drag and drop plugin to reorder lists without any dependencies other than AngularJS.
summer-golf-league Angular & Firebase app for my summer golf league with my friends. The site doesn't work at the moment...Google deleted my database because of a mix-up. The data is gone forever.
wedding-website Website I built for my wedding. Can be seen at kristinandmacgregor.com.
angular-directline-webchat Prototype Angular chat app for communicating with the Microsoft Bot Framework via the DirectLine API.